Ho Chi Minh City Peace and Development Foundation

05.01.2020 – the 4th year of Orange Initiative (OI) at HCMC Marathon 2020

     Following the success of Orange Run at the Ho Chi Minh City Run Marathon for 3 consecutive years, for the 4th participation on January 5th 2020, Ho Chi Minh City Peace and Development Foundation (HPDF), organized for 50 people with disabilities, Agent Orange victims and their supporters to take part in the 5km race of the event.

     Mrs. Ton Nu Thi Ninh – President of HPDF shared: “This is the fourth time HPDF and the Orange Initiative Program (OI) are organizing for a group of people with disabilities (PWD) of various types to participate in the marathon. This year there were visually impaired, hearing impaired youth and others with different types of mobility impairment. PWD must be seen as a normal part of the community. Regardless of circumstances and physical strength, everyone can rise up to overcome their situation in order to be confident and to enjoy the energizing atmosphere here.


     The program selected for commendation of 3 individuals with 3 types of disabilities who were the first to reach the final destination. Commendation certificates were handed over by PWD athlete Tran Cao Cuong, 2019 gold medalist at the National Athleties Competition for PWD.

  • Nguyen Hoai Thuong – Association of Victims of Agent Orange / Dioxin Cu Chi
  • Le Ngoc Thuong – Nguyen Dinh Chieu Special Secondary School (for visually impaired children)
  • Cao Thi Kieu Ninh – An Phuc Shelter

     People with disabilities do not have to stand alone, because there is always many supporters behind them, especially through OI Program.



Standing Vice President

Ms. Nguyen Thi My Tien

Former Secretary General, Ho Chi Minh City Union of Friendship Organizations

Ms. Nguyen Thi My Tien is currently Standing Vice President of the Ho Chi Minh City Peace and Development Foundation (HPDF)

  • She has been a founding member of HPDF
  • Executive Member of the Vietnam Peace and Development Foundation (VPDF)
  • Member of the standing committee of the HCMC Peace and Development Foundation (HPDF)
  • Executive Member of the HCMC Union of Friendship Organizations (HUFO)
  • Secretary General of HUFO from 2007 to 2011
  • Ms. Tien holds a Master degree in Development Management (MDM) from the Asian Institute of Management (Philippines)