Ho Chi Minh City Peace and Development Foundation

Chuck Searcy

International Advisor Project Renew

Chuck Searcy is a Viet Nam War Veteran (1966 – 1969) who, after the war, worked as an editor for The Washington Post. He has been living in Viet Nam since 1995, at first representing VVAF (Viet Nam Veterans of America Foundation) and then serving as President of Chapter 160 (Viet Nam) of Veterans for Peace (VFP). In 2001, he co – founded Project Renew dedicated to mine and UXO (Unexploded ordnance) removal and risk education in Viet Nam’s most heavily bombed province, Quang Tri. He is widely considered as a friend of Viet Nam. In 2003 he was awarded the Friendship Medal by the government.

Standing Vice President

Ms. Nguyen Thi My Tien

Former Secretary General, Ho Chi Minh City Union of Friendship Organizations

Ms. Nguyen Thi My Tien is currently Standing Vice President of the Ho Chi Minh City Peace and Development Foundation (HPDF)

  • She has been a founding member of HPDF
  • Executive Member of the Vietnam Peace and Development Foundation (VPDF)
  • Member of the standing committee of the HCMC Peace and Development Foundation (HPDF)
  • Executive Member of the HCMC Union of Friendship Organizations (HUFO)
  • Secretary General of HUFO from 2007 to 2011
  • Ms. Tien holds a Master degree in Development Management (MDM) from the Asian Institute of Management (Philippines)